Should you put Vaseline on tattooed eyebrows?

Many people opt for tattooed eyebrows as a way to enhance their facial features and save time on daily makeup routines. However, proper aftercare is crucial to ensure optimal healing and long-lasting results. One commonly debated topic is whether or not to apply Vaseline on tattooed eyebrows. In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of using Vaseline on tattooed eyebrows.

The Benefits of Using Vaseline on Tattooed Eyebrows

Vaseline, also known as petroleum jelly, is a popular choice for post-tattoo care due to its moisturizing properties. Some of the benefits of using Vaseline on tattooed eyebrows include:

  • Moisturization: Vaseline helps to retain moisture on the tattooed area, preventing dryness and itchiness.
  • Protective barrier: Applying a thin layer of Vaseline acts as a protective barrier against environmental pollutants and bacteria.
  • Reduced scabbing: By keeping the tattooed area moisturized, Vaseline can potentially minimize scab formation, leading to a smoother healing process.
Should you put Vaseline on tattooed eyebrows?

The Drawbacks of Using Vaseline on Tattooed Eyebrows

While Vaseline offers several benefits, there are also potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Clogged pores: Vaseline is a dense product that can clog the hair follicles around the eyebrows, leading to pimples or breakouts.
  • Interferes with healing: Some experts argue that applying Vaseline on fresh tattoos can interfere with the natural healing process, potentially causing color fading or distortion.
  • Allergic reactions: Certain individuals may have sensitivities or allergies to petroleum jelly, which can result in itching, redness, or irritation.

Alternatives to Vaseline for Tattooed Eyebrow Aftercare

If you decide against using Vaseline on your tattooed eyebrows, there are alternative products that can provide similar benefits:

  • Tattoo-specific aftercare ointments: Many tattoo artists recommend using ointments specifically formulated for post-tattoo care. These products are designed to moisturize, promote healing, and protect the color integrity of the tattoo.
  • Natural oils: Some individuals prefer using natural oils like coconut oil, jojoba oil, or vitamin E oil to moisturize and nourish their tattooed eyebrows.

The decision to use Vaseline on tattooed eyebrows ultimately depends on personal preference and the advice of your tattoo artist. While Vaseline can provide moisturization and a protective barrier, it may not be suitable for everyone due to potential drawbacks such as clogged pores or interference with the healing process. Consider alternative aftercare options and consult with your tattoo artist to determine the best approach for your unique situation.

EVERYTHING You Need To Know Before You Get Your Eyebrows Tattooed

What happens if you get newly tattooed eyebrows wet?

Getting tattooed eyebrows is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps enhance the appearance of eyebrows. It involves the use of a tattooing technique to create semi-permanent pigment on the brow area. However, it is essential to take proper care after the procedure to achieve the best results. One common concern is what happens if you get newly tattooed eyebrows wet? Let’s explore this topic in detail.

Importance of keeping newly tattooed eyebrows dry

After getting your eyebrows tattooed, it is crucial to keep them dry for a certain period. This is because exposing the tattooed area to water can disrupt the healing process and affect the final outcome. Here’s why keeping your newly tattooed eyebrows dry is essential:

1. Preventing color loss

Water can cause the pigment to wash away, leading to color loss or fading. It is particularly true during the initial healing stage when the tattooed area is more susceptible to damage. By avoiding water contact, you can help preserve the integrity and vibrancy of the pigment.

2. Avoiding infection

Water can introduce bacteria and contaminants to the tattooed area, increasing the risk of infection. Moisture can create an ideal environment for bacterial growth and compromise the healing process. Keeping your eyebrows dry reduces the likelihood of developing an infection.

3. Allowing proper scab formation

During the healing process, a scab will form over the tattooed area. This scab acts as a protective barrier and helps retain the pigment. However, exposure to water can dissolve the scab prematurely, leading to poor retention of the pigment. Keeping your eyebrows dry allows the scab to form correctly and support the healing process.

What happens if you get newly tattooed eyebrows wet?

Tips for keeping your newly tattooed eyebrows dry

To ensure the best outcome for your newly tattooed eyebrows, it is crucial to follow these tips for keeping them dry:

  • Avoid washing your face, particularly the eyebrow area, for the first 24 hours after the procedure.
  • Avoid activities that may cause excessive sweating or lead to water contact, such as exercising or swimming.
  • Shield your eyebrows from water during showers by using a shower cap or carefully washing your face avoiding the tattooed area.
  • Avoid steam rooms, saunas, and hot tubs, as the heat and moisture can impact the healing process.
  • Avoid applying skincare products or makeup to your eyebrows until they are fully healed.
  • Use a clean, disposable tissue or soft cloth to gently pat dry the surrounding areas of your eyebrows if they get accidentally wet. Do not rub the tattooed area.

Getting newly tattooed eyebrows can be an exciting experience. To ensure the best outcome, it is crucial to keep your tattooed eyebrows dry for a certain period. Avoiding water contact allows for proper healing, prevents color loss, reduces the risk of infection, and supports scab formation. By following the tips mentioned above, you can help protect your investment and achieve long-lasting, beautiful eyebrows.

How To Wash Your Face | MICROBLADED BROWS | Healing Phase

How to Shower with Tattooed Eyebrows?


Tattooed eyebrows, also known as eyebrow microblading, is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves tattooing pigment into the skin to create the appearance of fuller and more defined eyebrows. It is a semi-permanent solution and requires proper care to ensure longevity and prevent fading. One common concern for individuals with tattooed eyebrows is how to shower without damaging the tattoo or causing premature fading. In this article, we will discuss some tips and precautions to follow when showering with tattooed eyebrows.

1. Avoid using hot water:

Hot water has the potential to open up the skin pores and make the tattoo pigment more susceptible to fading. It is advisable to use lukewarm or cool water while showering to minimize the risk of color loss.

2. Gently pat dry:

After showering, avoid rubbing the tattooed area forcefully with a towel. Instead, gently pat it dry to prevent any potential damage to the delicate tattooed skin.

3. Protect the tattoo during the shower:

It is a good idea to shield the tattooed eyebrows from direct water contact during the shower. You can use petroleum jelly or a dedicated eyebrow sealant to create a barrier over the tattooed area. Apply a thin layer before showering and remove it afterward to allow the skin to breathe.

4. Use a mild cleanser:

When washing your face or eyebrows, use a gentle cleanser that is free of harsh chemicals or alcohol. Avoid using soaps or cleansers with exfoliating properties, as they can cause the tattoo pigment to fade more quickly.

5. Avoid excessive scrubbing:

How to Shower with Tattooed Eyebrows?

While cleaning your face or eyebrows, be mindful not to scrub the tattooed area vigorously. Opt for soft, circular motions when washing to minimize any potential damage to the tattoo.

6. Moisturize regularly:

Keeping the tattooed eyebrows moisturized is essential to maintain their appearance and prevent fading. Use a tattoo-friendly moisturizer or a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer to help keep the skin hydrated and maintain the longevity of the tattoo.

7. Avoid excessive exposure to water:

Avoid activities that involve prolonged exposure to water, such as swimming or soaking in hot tubs, especially during the initial healing period of the tattoo. Excessive exposure to water can lead to color loss and affect the overall outcome of the tattooed eyebrows.


Proper care is crucial for maintaining the appearance of tattooed eyebrows. By following the tips mentioned above, you can shower safely without compromising the longevity of your tattooed eyebrows. Remember to consult with a professional for personalized advice and to address any concerns specific to your tattooed eyebrows.

Ombre Brows Healing Process (2 weeks)

How to Care for Freshly Tattooed Eyebrows?

Getting freshly tattooed eyebrows can enhance your facial features and save you time in your daily makeup routine. However, it is crucial to take proper care of your new eyebrows to ensure proper healing and avoid any complications. This article will guide you on how to take care of your freshly tattooed eyebrows to promote healing and maintain their appearance.

1. Follow Aftercare Instructions

Immediately after getting your tattooed eyebrows, your tattoo artist will provide you with specific aftercare instructions. It is essential to follow these instructions carefully, as they can vary depending on the technique used and the artist’s preference. This may include avoiding water, applying an ointment, or refraining from touching the area.

2. Keep the Area Clean

While it is important to avoid excessive moisture, it is equally crucial to keep the tattooed area clean to prevent any infections. Gently clean the eyebrows twice a day using a gentle antibacterial soap or a recommended cleansing solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or scrubbing the area forcefully.

3. Moisturize Regularly

Tattooed eyebrows may get dry and flaky during the healing process, causing discomfort and affecting the final outcome. To prevent this, apply a thin layer of recommended aftercare ointment or tattoo-specific moisturizer as instructed by your artist. This will keep the area hydrated, aid healing, and prevent excessive scabbing.

4. Avoid Picking or Scratching

As your freshly tattooed eyebrows heal, it is normal for scabs to form. However, it is crucial to resist the temptation to pick or scratch at these scabs. Picking can interfere with the healing process and may result in scarring or pigment loss. Allow the scabs to naturally fall off on their own.

5. Protect from Sun Exposure

How to Care for Freshly Tattooed Eyebrows?

Direct sunlight and UV rays can fade the pigments in your freshly tattooed eyebrows. Protect the area from prolonged sun exposure by wearing a wide-brimmed hat or using sunscreen with a high SPF. This will help maintain the color intensity and prolong the lifespan of your tattooed eyebrows.

6. Avoid Makeup and Beauty Treatments

While your freshly tattooed eyebrows heal, it is essential to avoid applying makeup, including foundation, powders, or eyebrow products. Additionally, refrain from beauty treatments such as facials, chemical peels, or laser treatments in the eyebrow area. These can irritate the tattooed skin and interfere with the healing process.

7. Schedule Touch-Up Appointments

Freshly tattooed eyebrows may require touch-up sessions to perfect the shape and color. Follow up with your tattoo artist to schedule any necessary touch-up appointments. These sessions will ensure that your eyebrows continue to look their best and maintain their desired appearance.

Taking care of your freshly tattooed eyebrows is essential for proper healing and long-lasting results. By following the aftercare instructions provided by your artist, keeping the area clean and moisturized, and avoiding picking or scratching, you can ensure the best outcome for your new eyebrows. Remember to protect them from sun exposure, avoid makeup and beauty treatments, and schedule any required touch-up appointments. With proper care, your tattooed eyebrows will beautifully enhance your facial features for years to come.

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