How many times a day should I put ointment on my tattoo?

Getting a tattoo can be a memorable experience, and taking proper care of it during the healing process is essential to ensure its longevity and vibrant appearance. One of the key aspects of tattoo aftercare is applying ointment to keep the tattoo moisturized and aid in the healing process. But how many times a day should you apply ointment to your tattoo? Let’s find out.

The Initial Stage: Days 1-3

During the first few days after getting a tattoo, your tattoo will be considered an open wound, and it is crucial to keep it clean and moisturized to prevent infections and promote proper healing. For the initial stage, it is generally recommended to apply ointment to your tattoo 3-4 times a day.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply ointment during the initial stage:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap.
  2. Gently clean your tattoo with lukewarm water and a mild, fragrance-free soap.
  3. Pat your tattoo dry with a clean, disposable paper towel. Avoid using cloth towels or anything that may harbor bacteria.
  4. Apply a thin layer of ointment recommended by your tattoo artist or a specialized tattoo aftercare product.
  5. How many times a day should I put ointment on my tattoo?
  6. Gently massage the ointment into your tattooed skin using clean fingers.

Remember, less is more when it comes to applying ointment. Your tattoo should have a thin, shiny layer of ointment, but it should not feel greasy or caked with product.

The Healing Stage: Days 4-14

After the initial stage, your tattoo will enter the healing stage. During this period, the ointment application frequency will decrease. It is generally recommended to apply ointment 2-3 times a day during the healing stage.

Here are some important points to keep in mind during the healing stage:

  • Continue following the same ointment application process as during the initial stage.
  • Do not over-moisturize your tattoo. Too much ointment can lead to clogged pores, delayed healing, and even color loss.
  • Avoid exposing your tattoo to direct sunlight and excessive sweating as these can hinder the healing process.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing to prevent friction and irritation on your tattooed skin.
  • Avoid picking or scratching your tattoo, as this can cause scarring and infectio

After the Healing Stage: Long-term Care

Once your tattoo has fully healed, you might still want to keep your tattoo moisturized to maintain its vibrancy and prevent dryness. After the healing stage, you can switch from using ointment to a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic lotion. Apply the lotion 1-2 times a day or as needed to keep your tattoo looking its best.

Remember, every tattoo is unique, and the healing process can vary. It is always best to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist and consult a professional if you have any concerns or complications.

In conclusion,

During the initial stage (days 1-3), apply ointment to your tattoo 3-4 times a day. During the healing stage (days 4-14), reduce the frequency to 2-3 times a day. Once fully healed, switch to a fragrance-free lotion and apply as needed to maintain the tattoo’s appearance. Take proper care of your tattoo, and it will stay vibrant and beautiful for years to come.

Tattooing 101-How To Apply Tattoo Ointment

How many days do you put ointment on a new tattoo?

Getting a new tattoo is an exciting experience, but it also requires proper care and aftercare to ensure proper healing. One common question that many people have is how long they should continue to apply ointment to their new tattoo. In this article, we will explore this topic and provide some guidelines for ointment application on a new tattoo.

Understanding the Healing Process

Before diving into the duration of ointment application, it is essential to understand the healing process of a new tattoo. After getting inked, your skin undergoes a healing phase where it repairs itself. During this period, it is crucial to protect your tattoo from infections and external damage.

Importance of Ointment

Ointments are an integral part of the aftercare routine for a new tattoo. They provide a protective barrier and keep the tattoo moisturized, preventing it from drying out. Additionally, they can help minimize scab formation, which aids in the healing process.

Recommended Duration for Ointment Application

The duration for which you should apply ointment to your new tattoo can vary depending on various factors, such as the size and location of the tattoo, your skin type, and the advice of your tattoo artist. However, a general guideline is to apply ointment for approximately 2 to 3 weeks.

During the initial few days, it is recommended to apply ointment to your tattoo every 4 to 6 hours. Be sure to cleanse your tattoo gently with mild soap and water before each application. After the first few days, you can gradually decrease the frequency of ointment application to once or twice a day.

Signs of Proper Healing

How many days do you put ointment on a new tattoo?

It is essential to monitor the healing progress of your tattoo. Once the initial healing phase is complete, which usually takes around 2 to 3 weeks, your tattoo should appear vibrant and settle into the skin. There should be no signs of infection, such as excessive redness, swelling, or pus. If you notice any concerning symptoms, it is crucial to consult a medical professional or your tattoo artist.

Alternative Aftercare Options

While ointment application is a common aftercare practice for new tattoos, some individuals may opt for alternative methods. These can include using moisturizing lotions or specialized tattoo aftercare products. It is essential to follow the recommendations of your tattoo artist and choose a method that suits your skin type and tattoo design.

Consult Your Tattoo Artist

Since every tattoo and individual is unique, it is crucial to consult your tattoo artist for aftercare instructions specific to your tattoo. They will be able to provide personalized advice based on their expertise and the nature of your tattoo.

Remember, proper aftercare plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and vibrancy of your tattoo. By following the recommended ointment application duration and practicing good aftercare habits, you can help your tattoo heal efficiently and showcase it proudly for years to come.

How To Treat A NEW Tattoo: Step By Step AFTERCARE Guide To Get AMAZING HEALS

How Many Days Should You Put Ointment on a New Tattoo?

Getting a new tattoo is an exciting experience, but it’s important to take proper care of it to ensure it heals well and looks its best. One common question that arises after getting a tattoo is how long you should apply ointment to the area. In this article, we will discuss the recommended duration for ointment application on a new tattoo.

The Importance of Ointment for Tattoo Healing

After getting a tattoo, your skin undergoes a healing process that involves scabbing and peeling. Applying ointment helps to keep the tattooed area moisturized and protects it from infections. Ointments create a barrier between the tattoo and external elements, allowing the skin to heal more efficiently.

Initial Ointment Application

Once your tattoo artist completes the tattoo, they will typically apply a thin layer of ointment to the fresh tattooed area. This initial application helps to soothe the skin and prevent any immediate dryness or discomfort. The tattoo artist will also instruct you on how to properly care for your tattoo during the initial healing phase.

The First Few Days

During the first few days of the tattoo healing process, you should continue to apply ointment as directed by your tattoo artist. Typically, this involves applying a thin layer of ointment 2-3 times a day. It’s essential to follow the specific instructions given by your tattoo artist, as different artists may have different recommendations.

When applying the ointment, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly beforehand to prevent introducing any bacteria to the tattooed area. Gently apply a thin layer of ointment using clean fingers or a clean, disposable applicator. Avoid applying too much ointment, as it can clog the pores and hinder the healing process.

How Many Days Should You Put Ointment on a New Tattoo?

Transitioning to a Moisturizer

After the initial healing phase, which usually lasts around 3-7 days, you can transition from ointment to a moisturizer. It’s essential to choose a fragrance-free and gentle moisturizer specifically formulated for tattoo aftercare. Consult with your tattoo artist or a dermatologist to determine the best moisturizer for your tattooed skin.

When transitioning to a moisturizer, gradually decrease the frequency of ointment application and introduce the moisturizer. Start by applying ointment once a day and moisturizer once a day, gradually reducing the ointment application until you rely solely on the moisturizer.

Final Thoughts

Proper aftercare is crucial for the optimal healing of a new tattoo. Ointment plays a significant role in the initial stages of healing, providing necessary moisture and protection. It is recommended to follow the instructions provided by your tattoo artist regarding ointment application and transition to a moisturizer after the initial healing phase. By taking care of your tattoo properly, you can ensure that it heals beautifully and lasts for years to come.


When should I apply ointment after eyebrow tattooing?

After getting an eyebrow tattoo, it is crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist. One key aspect of the healing process is applying ointment to promote proper healing and prevent infections. Here is a guide to help you understand when and how to apply ointment after eyebrow tattooing.

Why is ointment application important?

Applying ointment to your freshly tattooed eyebrows is a crucial part of the healing process. The ointment helps keep the area moisturized, soothing any discomfort and preventing dryness or cracking. Furthermore, it acts as a protective barrier, guarding your tattoo against external contaminants, such as dirt or bacteria, that may lead to an infection.

When should I start applying ointment?

Typically, your tattoo artist will provide specific instructions regarding when to start applying ointment after the procedure. However, it is common to begin the ointment application the day after getting your eyebrow tattoo. This delay allows the initial healing process to start naturally.

How often should I apply ointment?

The frequency of ointment application usually depends on the type of ointment recommended by your tattoo artist. In general, it is common to apply the ointment two to three times a day. However, always consult your tattoo artist for specific instructions as different artists may recommend varying frequencies based on individual needs and the tattooing technique used.

How should I apply the ointment?

Before applying the ointment, make sure your hands are clean to prevent introducing any bacteria to the tattooed area. Gently wash your hands with a mild soap and warm water, then pat them dry with a clean towel or air dry them. Once your hands are clean, follow these steps:

    When should I apply ointment after eyebrow tattooing?
  • Step 1: Take a small amount of ointment (usually recommended by your tattoo artist) and place it on your clean fingertips.
  • Step 2: Gently apply the ointment to your tattooed eyebrows using circular motions. Ensure that the entire tattooed area is covered with a thin layer of ointment.
  • Step 3: Avoid rubbing or scratching the treated area, as this can lead to irritation or damage to the tattoo.
  • Step 4: Once the ointment is applied, gently blot any excess with a clean tissue or paper towel.

How long should I continue using the ointment?

The duration of ointment usage can vary depending on your individual healing progress. On average, it is recommended to use the ointment for at least seven to ten days or until the scabbing or flaking subsides. However, follow the specific instructions provided by your tattoo artist, as they will best understand how your tattoo is healing and when it is appropriate to stop using the ointment.

Is there anything to avoid during ointment application?

While applying ointment, it is essential to avoid the following:

  • Excessive ointment: Applying too much ointment can clog the pores, preventing proper breathing of the tattooed skin.
  • Direct sunlight: Exposure to the sun can cause fading and damage to your tattoo. Keep your newly tattooed eyebrows protected from direct sunlight.
  • Water exposure: Avoid prolonged water exposure, such as swimming or hot showers, as it can affect the healing process. Minimize contact with water during the first few days after getting your eyebrow tattoo.
  • Picking or peeling: Itching is common during the healing process, but picking or peeling the scabs can lead to scarring or loss of color. Let the scabs naturally fall off on their own.

Following these guidelines for ointment application after eyebrow tattooing will help ensure proper healing and prevent any unwanted complications. Remember, always consult your tattoo artist for specific aftercare instructions tailored to your individual needs.

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